Heaven is a wide open space. 

Now more than ever, many of us are reconsidering the idea of living in densely populated areas. Crowds, mass transport, huge cultural venues are all a perfect territory for the spread of pathogens. What we know, at least for now, is that the rate of infection has been far lower in less urbanised areas. Those who can are escaping to their country estates, hoping to wait out the worst. The digital economy has allowed many of us to shift our working base. Global Workplace Analytics have been studying global workplace trends for more than a decade. According to their analysis, even before the outbreak, remote work among non-self employed workers has grown 173% over the past 15 years.


Benahavís small town Andalusia


So what’s holding us back from moving away to smaller towns? 

Of course, except for better services and more work opportunities, what might life look like on the other side of traffic jam, hyper-globalised cities and never sleeping crowds? 

There is a strong sense of community 

Small towns are not defined by physical size, but the feeling of community. It’s the sense of belonging, of being known and knowing many, or the trust that comes from strong ties to the community. Of course all of that given that you crack the shell of local-only social groups. On a business level, there is a real sense of support that business owners receive from each other. You will probably even make friends with your local doctor or lawyer. 




In places like Benahavís, there is a real coexistence between many different countries. An Englishman, French, German or Swedish have no problem integrating into the community. Benahavís is far from just a summer holiday home and there is an abundance of communal support awaiting you. If you are new to the idea of living in a gated community, you can read our 5 reasons why you might want to consider it. 


Everything slows down

There is an unexpected change in pace from a big city to a small town, where everything from doing shopping to drinking wine in the local square is often done slower than what you are used to. 


girl walking in the mountains


Small towns are also easier to maintain. Dealing with waste, building and fixing streets, installing street lights and keeping them lit, ensuring fire and police protection or establishing regulations. Benahavís is probably one of the tidiest and most immaculate areas you will see on the coast. The local authorities play an important role in keeping the neighbourhood in health and welfare. You will also be pleased that parking problems are a thing of the past. Except for the high peak summertime when the tourism rates are higher, finding parking is as easy as pulling up to an open lot and stopping pretty much wherever you please. 



You will find refreshing peace and quiet 

An obvious benefit of moving somewhere with fewer people is less noise, but the true delight of quiet open space often goes unsung. Trading off a concrete jungle for miles of trees, mountains and open sky can add another aspect to life. The peacefulness and spaciousness of small towns make quiet activities even more serene, whether it's running, playing golf, having a dip in a swimming pool, or just sitting on the terrace with a glass of wine.

Benahavís is in the mountains but it has very much a beach climate. Far from the madding crowd of the Costa del Sol and yet one step away from it. It has spectacular mountain ranges, valleys, woods and rivers that make the area one of the most picturesque and virgin looking places on the Costa del Sol. Its low-density build, the natural surroundings and the high number of golf courses make the area one of the most beautiful and sought-after areas on the coast.


girl walking in a small town


Diversity comes in different forms 

Small towns aren’t always culturally varied, but what may surprise anybody is the diversity that comes with it. Costa del Sol is known for bringing together families of different nationalities that choose to settle down on the coast. With that go great diversity and opportunity to truly taste different cultures, languages, customs, music, art, and of course food. Benahavís has a population of just over 71,000 people and 40% of it are foreigners from 73 different countries. Impressive for a small town, right? 


If you are new to Benahavís, this guide will shed some light on why this place might be what you have always been looking for.

We believe that environment is important. A house is more than just walls and ceilings, furnishings and fittings – it's surroundings, it’s friendship, it’s family, it’s creating new memories and looking back at how far you’ve come. Take a look at our video and see if this kind of living could be for you.